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Gosport Masons Show Support for Nepal

Gosport Masons have been collecting clothes, furniture and other saleable items over the last two weeks in support of the Nepal Disaster Appeal. Today Ray Bezani, Gosport Lodge and the Solent Area Charity Steward, took a van full of such items to the British Red Cross drop off shop in Southsea.

The Gosport Masons had originally considered sending boxes of essential supplies directly to Nepal but this proved to be cost prohibitive. The Hampshire co-ordinator for the British Red Cross, Jan Treacherevans, explained that the donated items would be barcoded so that when they are sold the proceeds will automatically go to Nepal. The money will be used to buy essential goods locally and therefore as well as giving aid to the needy, it will help the local economy to recover.

Ray Bezani said

“I wasn’t aware that you could stipulate who would receive the proceeds of donated goods, this is a great system”

We also raised £170 from a raffle that we held at our last Gosport Lodge meeting which Ray presented to Kim Kett, the Manager of the Southsea Branch of the Red Cross


Ray_Red_Cross_NepalRay Bezani presents a cheque for £170 to Kim Kett, Manager Southsea Branch, Red Cross


Our thanks go to Ray for organizing this, members of various Gosport Lodges who contributed items or joined in the raffle and in particular Bro. John Hillier of Rowner Lodge for his contribution.
