Charitable Donation Becomes a Pirate Ship!
Gosport Lodge recently presented a cheque for £2,250 to St John’s CoE (Aided) Primary School. (See the original article here Link)
We were absolutely delighted to receive the following letter and photographs from the Headtecher, Joy Squibb. As you can read, the money has been used to purchase a set of wooden blocks for use in the playgound. As you can see from the photos they are being put to extremely good and imaginative use!
Gosport Masons Show Support for Nepal
Gosport Masons have been collecting clothes, furniture and other saleable items over the last two weeks in support of the Nepal Disaster Appeal. Today Ray Bezani, Gosport Lodge and the Solent Area Charity Steward, took a van full of such items to the British Red Cross drop off shop in Southsea.
The Gosport Masons had originally considered sending boxes of essential supplies directly to Nepal but this proved to be cost prohibitive. The Hampshire co-ordinator for the British Red Cross, Jan Treacherevans, explained that the donated items would be barcoded so that when they are sold the proceeds will automatically go to Nepal. The money will be used to buy essential goods locally and therefore as well as giving aid to the needy, it will help the local economy to recover.
Ray Bezani said
“I wasn’t aware that you could stipulate who would receive the proceeds of donated goods, this is a great system”
We also raised £170 from a raffle that we held at our last Gosport Lodge meeting which Ray presented to Kim Kett, the Manager of the Southsea Branch of the Red Cross
Ray Bezani presents a cheque for £170 to Kim Kett, Manager Southsea Branch, Red Cross
Our thanks go to Ray for organizing this, members of various Gosport Lodges who contributed items or joined in the raffle and in particular Bro. John Hillier of Rowner Lodge for his contribution.
Photos from Cheque Giving Event
W. Bro. Ray Bezani and Councillor Keith Gill, Mayor of Gosport presenting a cheque for £2,250 to St John’s CoE (Aided) Primary School
W. Bro. John Hill and the Mayor of Gosport presenting a cheque for £250 to Macmillan Cancer Care
W. Bro. Peter Chase and the Mayor of Gosport presenting a cheque for £250 to Gosport Food Bank
W. Bro. Peter Chase and the Mayor of Gosport presenting a cheque for £250 to Shooting Star Chase
Over £15,000 presented to local charities
On Friday 8th May, all of the Masonic Lodges in Gosport and four Lodges from Fareham joined forces to present cheques to a number of local charities in the presence of the Mayors of Gosport and Fareham. The combined value of these cheques totalled £15,030
Gosport Lodge in particular presented cheques totalling £3,000 to Gosport Food Bank (£250), Macmillan Cancer Support (£250), St John’s CofE (Aided) Primary School (£2,250) and Shooting Star Chase Children’s Hospices (£250)
Auction Raises £2,350 for RMTGB
Julie Edwards (front left) making the final preparations
Wonderful news from our auction on Sunday afternoon….
Firstly we had over 450 lots to auction – some donated 100% and some contributing the commission i.e. 20% of sale price.
Secondly we had over 200 people through the door and Peter Chase and his wife collected £117 in entrance fees.
Thirdly the very efficient Tea bar run by Sally Ann Leese and Hazel Owens assisted by Jill Rumble and Dee Davis gave a further £240 from sales and a donated float of coins. The lovely ladies donated all the ingredients and so there were no outgoings.
38% of our lodge members were involved either on the day or by donations. Also assisting were nine wives/partners, a son, a daughter and a father of Lodge members. Many other masons from other lodges were also present and indeed assisted in setting up.
It was a lovely atmosphere and by far the most enjoyable of the three we have now run.
The total amount raised for the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys was £2350.00
A great result!
Well done to all those who were involved in the organisation before, during and after the event – in particular Ray Bezani and Julie Edwards who put many days of work into it. Also thanks to everyone who spent money on the day, made donations or contributed lots.
Left to right: Hazel Owens, Jill Rumble & Sally Ann Leese – running the refreshments table
Bro. Bill Davis PPAGStB celebrates his 70th year as a mason!
At the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight meeting on 6th February 2015, Brother William George Davis was presented with a certificate to mark his 70th year in Freemasonry. At the Regular Lodge meeting of Gosport Lodge No.903 on Tuesday 10th February Bill was, as ever, in attendance and reported to the Brethren that this award was entirely unexpected but that he was absolutely delighted and extremely proud to have received it. At the Festive Board that followed the Worshipful Master, Brethren of Gosport Lodge and their visitors were delighted to propose a toast to Bill and share a glass of port with him. Since posting this on our Facebook page and Twitter there have been many re-posts/re-tweets (including by the Province and also UGLE) and many messages of congratulations and admiration. Well done Bill – we look forward to many more years!